'RightWing' Brand Identity

This is a fictional project I am working on.

RightWing is a beauty product brand that makes basic beauty products like lipstick, eye-liner, etc. Their primary focus is on makeup and all their products are made from organic ingredients according to their own recipes. 

Target audience:-
Modern females aged between 18-45 and above who seek elegance and beauty.

Brand attributes I've considered:-
Elegance, Organic, Belongingness, Desire, Toxic-free

Brand primary colors:-
Vibrant red & Pale yellow

Some messaging I've created:-
"Enhance your inner beauty"
"Desire is universal"
"Belongingness is your right"

Positioning statement:-
Women who seek for inner beauty, who has a desire to use beauty products that is affordable and create a sense of belongingness, RightWing is the organic beauty brand that makes you who you are, so you can enhance your inner beauty, because our products are made of natural ingredients based on our own recipe.

I've come up with a monogram mark and custom typography that reflects the brand personality and which can be responsive throughout all their products.

DM me for commissioned works.

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