✨ Updated magic link journey

We learned that quite a few customers come to support every day and message us about magic links — either they don't know what one is, where it is, or they've been too eager to go to their emails to check it and it hasn't arrived yet. So we wanted to improve that experience, and guide our users in a delightful way.

We've come up with a solution for a new magic link flow, taking the user on a journey, from creating the secure link – sprinkling some magic – before sending it over to them in an email. On a good connection, it should take ~4 seconds to receive the email notification, so by this time you should have seen the email come through. If not, we present the user with some more information, an opportunity to change the email if it's incorrect, or a way to learn why they may have not received it yet.

You should be able to see this live on iOS right now!

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