Twitch Channel Page Beta
We are working on a lot of very interesting things at Twitch. One of the biggest ones is what we refer to as the 'channel page' which just had its first rollout phase this week. It is the place where you, as a viewer will spend most of your time on the website.
There are some exceptional game changing features we want to do with this page that the current structure couldn't really cater for.
Its a fullscreen browsing experience with three columns. Left column is promotion, middle is all about the broadcaster, and the right, will eventually become more 'you' (the viewer). You can collapse columns, tweak it so it is just video and chat, or even collapse columns down so it is video only. It also scales to the browser window size in a variety of interesting ways.
There is also some dedicated, highly customizable information 'panels' for that middle section. (below the video) We hope to add some interesting new 'info panels' for broadcasters to better inform their viewers in some interesting ways. (something we have gotten a lot of feedback on this week! - but it has always been coming). It should be good fun to continually rollout this beta and get everything in place.
Check out the attachments, and also the dark alternative version that came close to being the chosen design. (we felt it pushed our brand too much at the expense of the broadcaster / viewing experience).