Sidebearings, About Page 2

I always try to enjoy everything I do. Especially if a project is self-initiated, it makes sense to get everything out of it.

My general approach to projects is more or less the same:
1. Is there enough to learn here?
2. Can I have fun doing it and activate some humor in it?
3. Can I incorporate an element of surprise?

My recent project was created to help not just starting designers and typographers but also to help the advanced, and myself. Sometimes it is a bit hard to keep all the information in our brains (it is not a smart way to keep information btw.). That's why I wanted to collect everything I found reasonable during the last couple of years.

I love playing around with slight humor and an element of surprise. I don't mean it in a pushy way—at the end of the day I was never considered as "the funny guy". I like to leave an easter egg here and there... Just a little touch.

In this case, I hid something behind the reality check "at the end of the day, it's just fonts"—it is our family dog! Go and check little Corleone yourself!

If you care about the technicalities, I use to build my sites. I used a 24 column grid in this one since that's the way I want to take my designs since it allows for more advanced layouts.

I also use their "scaled layout" function which allows you to scale up the design proportionally without worrying about breakpoints (besides mobile).

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