Daily UI #080 - Date Picker
Thoughts on Today’s Challenge For today, I wanted to create some solid components while keeping in mind interaction design. This is a slice of an all-inclusive travel app, focusing on the booking portion where a user would select the dates for their stay.
I wanted to keep the UI and UX simple, with intuitive gestures to navigate between various components. For example, the user can swipe left and right near the top of the screen to change which page they are on. The dates can either be selected by tapping and dragging on the calendar, or by using the drop-down menus.
It’s crazy to think I only have 20 more of these challenges to go, it feels like I have been doing them forever. It is becoming apparent that the real challenge is making it to 100. I have tried to stick to a daily regiment (save a holiday here or there) but I have managed to keep it up. I am looking forward to crossing that finishing line, and I’m curious to see what’s next.
Thanks for checking out my post!
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Press “L” to like my shot and to keep me motivated to make it to the end! Feel free to leave any feedback as well, all words are welcome. 😋👍
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The Challenge is to complete one unique User Interface design task every day, for 100 days. You can read more about it here: https://www.dailyui.co/