Notif Bar
Let me tell you story a bit. This project was take too long then we predicted. I was faced by the longest creative block I ever happened (not pure because of that). I remember that this previous shots was done on early August which already took a week to produce this screen (near the initial deadline). But it took almost two months for me to come up with this shot. This months delay was the longest I ever happened in my freelance career. Even tough that this project is not in tight deadline I still feel that I'm very lucky to have very patient client, and the fun part that they encourage and help me keep pushing during the hard time..
I bet this is something happen not only to me. Do you have similar experience? feel free to share/rebound or comment!
Back again.. as part as my design workflow, I usually give client more than one solution & alternatif to each page.. This is the second one. The accepted one, is the third one which I'll share more soon. But I like the clean & simplicity with this header & every elements in there. The blue line will work as a branding side which will be different depend on each collage's brand.
Anything I missed and can be improved? let me know ---- More about this project