Massachusetts: VOTE!
If you live in Massachusetts, go out and vote today. Beyond the Presidential and Senate races, we need to make sure all 3 questions on the ballot are passed.
Question 1: Right to Repair. Require that auto makers give repair shops (and us!) all the info that comes from the OBD II serial ports in your car.
Question 2: Assisted Death. This one is a sensitive topic, but take it from me: the freedom to go out on your own terms is an important one. The alternative is often a long, painful decline - painful for the patient, but often more painful for their families, who have to watch the shell of a loved one degrade for days or weeks.
Question 3: Medical Marijuana. No-brainer. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, and gives relief to people with chronic pain or terminal illness.
Yes on 1! Yes on 2! Yes on 3!