Pocket for Mac

Huh! Pocket for Mac was finally released. I really love this product and lack of native app for OSX was a pain to me.

But some time ago, when I was dreaming about it, I started to draw an interface 'how would the OSX version look'. This is a stuff that has been done so far.
To dispel the doubts, this app would be in 3 modes: menubar-app, window-app and full-screen-app. You'd be able to go between them using this small circle in the bar. I managed to do only the menubar version.

I guess I'm not going to not continue this project now, because the official app is here. Possibly in some time... when I will have a few free hours :)

Tell me, what do you think?
Enjoy and comment please :)

Konrad Kolasa
Digital Product Designer – Tooploox

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