30s Shanghai

30s Shanghai
An elegant, beautiful lady walks up a flight of steps.
She picks up her phone - it’s her lover.
She appears at the top of the stairs.
Ahead, her lover is talking into his phone, talking to the lady.
His other arm hangs on the waist of another woman.

“Give me some time, I’ll arrive soon.” He says. “I’ll see you on the first level. I’ll call you.”

“Wait for me.” He says.

The lady turns, terrified. She hides behind a corner.
Peering back around, her lover, and his, are nowhere to be seen.
She sets off, back down the steps.

Down and down the spiral she descends.
She hesitates.
She panics.
She waits.

It consumes all.
She carries on, down the steps.
Time and love, all a fleeting blur.

The spiral never ends.

The phone rings.
She picks up her phone - it’s her

The wait is over.
Or is it?

Inspired by the movement gestures from the 1930's modern lady, the logo was created using modern calligraphy with broad tip brush.

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