March First Movement, Reflecting after 100 Years

March First Movement, Reflecting after 100 Years


During the Japanese colonial rule, the 3 ㆍ 1 movement, which declared to the world that our country is an independent country and our people are autonomous, celebrated its 100th anniversary this year.
Looking back on the spirit of the March 1 movement today is very important for the next 100 years.
All of the 3 · 1 exercises are shown in an infographic so you can see at a glance.

일제 강점기에 우리 나라가 독립국이며 우리 민족이 자주민임을 세계에 알린 3·1운동이 올해로 100주년을 맞이했다.
오늘 3·1운동의 정신을 되새겨보는 것은 앞으로 100년을 위해 매우 중요하다.
3·1운동의 모든 것을 한눈에 볼 수 있도록 인포그래픽에 담았다.

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