Formula 1 - Explore Details


🎬Learn how to animate a UI Motion Flow from start to finishWatch this tutorial and more

This is an extension from my previous shot to explore further details about your favorite team with a high-level introduction with the actual car rolling into view. That car definitely took a while to animate in 3D perspective from a still jpg asset.

Scroll a little bit more and you’ll start exploring the latest race results of this particular team. Looking forward to animate this motion flow tapping into one of those track cards.

Imagine the circuit rotating and sits in a different place and showing key sectors, metrics, records, onboard cameras, previous winners and media live from audiences. Just imagine. Much to come.

It was a fun challenge was to animate this entire presentation from a still photo. Adding in the screen, blur, desk shadow, desk reflection, etc.

◾️How often do you use your phone in landscape mode in situations other than video streaming?

Stay tuned and follow for further updates!@wellgraf

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Pontus Wellgraf
Product Design Lead Pushing boundaries with design & motion
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