Mo Odisha - Explore Odisha
Exploration of Odisha, India, Asia. Bhubaneswar is the capital of Odisha, and is very rich in culture, historical and religious tourism. Lots of temples from 10BC are scattered throughout the Bhubaneswar, called Temple City. Puri - Jagannat temple and Konnark Temple situated connected to Indian Ocean
Rath Yatra the biggest gathering to get a gleams of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subadhra. And many more. Odisha famous for its food, sweets, temples and people.
This page is a redesign of the state public participation application. There are many flows for user to explore. Users can find the best recommendations on the main page. With images that illustrate the landmarks of the state can give an idea about how people have experienced it before them. The use of a simple Start your journey - button will also make it easy for users to get started.
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