Unsplash Avatars
One of the things I enjoy the most on Unsplash is collecting the portraits of everyday people. There's never a lot of context around those photographed: who they are, where they're from, what their mood was, what they were thinking about at that moment. Every portrait you come across asks for your attention. You find yourself staring just a few seconds longer than any other type of photo. You imagine a world where you might know this person even though they could be from anywhere. They're familiar to you. They look like a friend, a neighbor, a colleague. Maybe it's someone you often pass by but don't quite ever observe them.
These faces make it easy to create a world around them. They're real people. They're the faces you'd see on your social media feeds. Maybe you're even actually following a few of them!
We wanted to make it easy for you to have access to these familiar faces, just in case you didn't have the luxury of browsing Unsplash as much as we do. We hope you enjoy using them in your designs.
Access the file here: https://www.figma.com/@unsplash
Download our iOS app: https://unsplash.com/apps/ios