eCommerce Credit Card Checkout UI
Design a credit card checkout form or page.
User Requirements:
- Clear directions and communication of input
- Intuitive behaviour
Design Obstacle:
- In online shopping, Checkout Forms can be rather dull experiences typing in a sequence of numbers of complete a transaction for a new and potentially exciting product.
While this is a security precaution, can a new design re-vitalise this important stage of the eCommerce experience?
Many eCommerce platforms offer out-of-the-box checkout UIs and experiences. This design aims to challenge this notion and offer a more engaging experience to shoppers.
Design Requirements:
- As a significant amount of online shopping is conducted on smartphones, the UI should be mobile-optimised as an expectation to cater for this majority.
- Select Payment Method (Mastercard, VISA, AMEX, PayPal etc)
- Input to provide Credit Card number
- Input to provide Card Holder's name
- Input to provide Expiry Date
- Input to provide CCV