Daily UI 008 - 404 Page
Day 8 of the Daily UI challenge. The subject for this challenge was “404.” For this particular challenge, I wanted to be creative with it and create something that was “unconventional”. I had seen other 404 pages that incorporated photography. I began to think of objects that were round and I landed on an egg. Once I had an object that resembled the “0”, I went to pixels.com to find a photo of an egg. That’s when I came across the egg photo by Plush Design Studios. https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-egg-shell-on-white-surface-929774/ It ended up working great, especially with the shell being broken in the photo. I used Photoshop to add the text, shadows, menu and navigation. It was the most simple of the challenges so far, but it was the most fun since I got to be creative with it and not limit myself. If you are enjoying my posts, please leave a like and consider following!