Porcelain pocket weather clock

A pocket weather clock. Personal project created with Peter Kiær, a good friend and seadog. While I've spent my adult life sleeping too few hours (mostly under desks during crunch time), he's been travelling the globe on small commercial vessels carrying everything from coffee beans from Costa Rica and stolen Soviet APC's from Poland to the US (a pre 1989 stint for the CIA).

The clock is way too detailed as it is. I have to scale down the stuff that's going on as it needs to be easily deciphered. Next step also includes a lid and a chain (attached to the loop at the bottom of the image). When you pull the chain the lid flips open. So in essence, when the sophisticated sailor gentleman pulls the clock from his pocket, the chain attached to his cloth pulls the loop and the clock opens. Smart!

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Posted on Oct 5, 2012

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