Bright Tuesday Design logo
Introducing...Bright Tuesday Design. This is a new logo for a personal branding initiative I’ve been working on. I’m interested in “niching down” and doing more illustration and graphic design work that particularly serves the Orthodox Christian Church, to which I belong. - The idea behind the name: Bright Tuesday is the name on the Orthodox Church calendar for the Tuesday following Pascha (Orthodox Easter). Many Orthodox Christians practically live at church for all of “Holy Week,” attending many rich, moving, beautiful services that culminate in a joyful Resurrection service that begins at midnight Saturday night on the eve of Easter. - But by the time “Bright Tuesday” rolls around, it tends to be back to reality—returning to jobs and resuming normal activities. So I chose this name because I’m interested in producing work that brings the spirit and the ethos of the Orthodox Church out into the world and into day-to-day life in a tangible way. - In creating this logo, my intention was to invoke the shape and aesthetic of liturgical objects that one might see in an Orthodox Church such as processional crosses and fans, but to do it in a way that still looked fresh and contemporary.