ATP Mobile App : Player Selection Card
A Universal element intended as an entry point to a players profile. It also provides high level information of the player’s standing within the ATP ranking system.
User Testing Findings
Most users spent more time analyzing the information on this design than the other. This signified that certain elements are important/familiar were missing, creating an unnecessary disruption which impeded their ability to complete intended task(s). They also didn’t understand the meaning behind the “qualified” badge or what the players qualified for - “I have an idea of what this badge means, but I’m not entirely sure”.
Less time spent analyzing the information on the card as the users were able to identify elements they were more familiar with. The addition of the right section of the card (used to identify and select players as “favorites”, prioritizing their information above those whom we’re not selected by the user) came from feedback given during the first round of sessions - “It would be nice for me to select my favorite players from this screen instead of waiting until I go to the players profile”.