100 FARINETS local money

100 Farinets - Local currency created in the region of Valais in the middle of the Swiss Alps.


This money is currently used by a bit more than 160 enterprises but needs help since the persons who are taking care of it hope for people reinforcement.
The entire movement of this local currency is pretty much misunderstood by the people of the region who prefer pay by contactless cards and basically pay by any numeric devices.
Probably because we are living in a world where financial transactions are pretty well installed and it's difficult for any alternatives to find it's way through what's already efficient.
It's a bit of a shame because the purpose of a local currency is to make the people ask themself "what is like to have confidence into a note, what does it represent and where the money goes for what benefits at which price" At Ademus our role has been to release the design but not only, it matches with our sense of questioning existing purposes.
Obviously as the creators of those visuals, we are hopping it will continue to be spent in Valais

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