The Old House

Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's story “The Old House”. It is a story about a boy that becomes a friend of an old lonely man. The man is living in an old house that only the boy sees as beautiful. Once the man dies he builds his own house on that plot and tells his memories to his wife. Memories are beautiful because they stay with us, sometimes hidden in nostalgic objects. Only we decide which memories we want to keep.  

It is also magical how the boy sees the old house as something beautiful. He thinks that it is alive because of its garden inside and forgets about all the cracks and mold. Child's imagination has a pure form and we should cherish it as much as we can.

I created a process video about this illustration to share with you how it came to life and where my imagination met with challenges. I hope that it can inspire you to create something beautiful today.

You can watch the process of this illustration here:

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Posted on Oct 10, 2019

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