My Personal Logo
So I’ve finally came up with my personal logo which I actually love. I can see how I can use it in various ways and also its simple, minimalistic & hopefully recognisable in time! The main idea behind it was to represent my surname - Eglītis, which basically means 🌲 spruce tree, a.k.a 🎄christmas tree 🎅🏼 Ho Ho Ho! Thanks also to all the people who helped me in the process to get here. Now the next step would be to find the right typography to work with it for my name and visual identity in general, maybe create my own? Let me know what you think.
The main idea of this post was to create this animation for myself and refresh my Ae memory. I saw this 1 min tutorial from adobe and had inspiration to try to do it myself. Hope you like it and thanks adobe for making these tutorials!
#logo #logodesigns #visualidentity #branding #brandingmyself #creativecloud #illustrator #aftereffects #adobeillustrator #adobe #adobeaftereffects