Tarot Card Series 1: 8 Justice

(**Getting caught up on Dribbble –and you may have seen these all on my Instagram, bear 🐻with me. These are for sale via me for now. And in black and white, and in large cards.)

Since yesterday’s Zodiac was Libra aka ’The Scales’, figured it would be good to keep with the Justice theme for the next Tarot card – plus, lucky-number 11, so double-good. Inspired by one of my favs, Wonder Woman! (even had to do blue hair!) Mainly because I did not want to do a flowy-fabric-dress haha!

It’s nice getting back into full-bodies again. Still figuring out how I want to evolve my style. I love doing more realistic and super-detailed pieces (mainly for my gig posters), but I also love doing less detail, more natural sketch pieces. With these Tarot cards, I’m almost getting closer to a middle ground of sketch to realistic. I’d like to get comfortable with those three – realistic, medium-detail, and sketch – mainly for efficiency when it comes to my own personal work and side-freelance work. I’m happy I took the five-year break because it’s made me think more about these things versus just going-going-going-nonstop-ahhh! haha! Practicing daily – or ‘sometimes’ daily 😅 is hands down the best thing I’ve ever done. Highly recommend doing it!

From Tarot.com: "Justice is your firm-but-fair reminder that karma is real, and there is a consequence for every action. Whatever life is handing you at this moment comes from decisions you've made in the past, and whether it's a punishment or a reward, it is exactly what you deserve. When this card comes up in your Tarot reading, make sure you are acting fairly in all your interactions with others." ⚔

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Nina Zivkovic
Art Director × Illustrator × Designer, Geek-Nerd
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