Resolution Blocks

First stab at the new resolution blocks. Originally I thought resolution switching would be additive; blocks would only be added while moving up a resolution and only subtracted while moving down. But that would limit the variety and complexity of puzzles available.

My current thinking is that blocks can exist in just one, all but one or many resolutions. So now I need a way to represent if a block exists in the resolutions above and below the current one. I'm doing this with a debossed diamond that is:

- filled if the block exists above and below
- bottom-half empty if the block doesn't exist below
- top-half empty if the block doesn't exist above
- completely empty if the block doesn't exist above or below

Hinting blocks, where a block exists in an adjacent resolution, work similarly:

- no arrows if the block exist above and below
- arrow up if the block exists above
- arrow down if the block exists below
- no outline at all if a block doesn't exist above or below

Since you can only move in one direction in the 2- and 16-bit resolutions, their representations only make the distinction of exists or doesn't exist.

Imagine Megaman-like disappearing block puzzles where you control the pacing of the disappearing blocks. Or paths to high roads that appear out of thin air and disappearing bridges that let you explore previously inaccessible depths.

More by Shaun Inman

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