Bloom's Taxonomy and AIGA / NASAD Competencies Reflection Poster

This assignment’s objective is to get you to slow down for a sec and reflect on your experiences and communicate your unique story of how your work represents your personal goals and our curricular goals. What have you done? Why have you done it? and what does it mean to you?

The outcome of this assignment is that you will create a visualization that connects what you’re supposed to know to what you have done. You will find the story that is interwoven between these diverse experiences. You will evaluate what you have learned and what you need/want to know.

1. Evaluate work based on bloom’s taxonomy 2. Evaluate work based on AIGA/NASAD competencies 3. Evaluate work based on personal goals 4. Create map that communicates all these relationships

I connected my second to fourth year of being a student designer. I created a topographic/ blueprint background to display location by country. I then narrowed location to work spaces most often used, illustrating my student flats and my apartment. I integrated the key into the poster so it would remain subtle.Thirty-one projects are individually illustrated. The inner pie circle reflects my use of Bloom's Taxonomy on a 1 to 3 scale illustrated by gradient. The outer rings reflect the AIGA /NASAD Competencies. The final poster is 17 x 66 printed on Matte Plotter.

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