Daily UI #048 - Coming Soon

Thoughts on Today’s Challenge
I wanted to create a simple experience for this UI design, with the end goal being to generate leads and spread awareness of Disc Golf. This screen would be a splash page or could be adapted into a video advertisement.

This animation is in a semi conceptual state, designing my whole idea would take longer than a day. My main goal was to create delight and hold the viewer's attention for just a few more seconds, a precious commodity in today’s markets. I also wanted to display how the UI could switch from separate styles, synched with animation, to create a dynamic user experience.

For inspiration, I incorporated a newly discovered hobby, disc golf. My favorite part of the sport is hearing those chains rattle when you sink a putt, a rare sound I hear. I wanted to represent that feeling with my design.

Hopefully, I succeeded.

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Press L if you like my shot, and follow me if you want to keep track of my progress on the Daily Challenges! See you at 100. 😋👍

I am also posting the challenges on Twitter, if you want to track my progress that way.

The challenge is to complete one unique User Interface design task every day, for 100 business days. You can read more about it here: https://www.dailyui.co/

Kris Shogren
Hello! I'm CMYKris. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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