Shecluded: A Female Inclusive Loan Company
Hello guys! This is a landing page for a female lead enterprises loan company (Shecluded)
ABOUT We are more than just a loan company, we are fully committed to ensuring the success of women led businesses in Africa. We started with the goal of providing small loans to businesses and enterprises led by women. Online and offline interaction with our first set of prospective clients gave us a deep appreciation of the problems women face in accessing capital in Nigeria. This allowed us develop a unique solution to address this problem. From our research, we found out that women needed financial education about loans as much as they needed the loans. Armed with this knowledge, we created a business that not only gives loans to women, but also invests actively in building the capacity of its beneficiaries.
IMPACT OBJECTIVES Ensure more women with the passion and readiness to scale have the knowledge and opportunity to access Loans.
Curate and develop an extensive sector list based on women in our network.
Identify patterns and insights useful for fostering collaboration, for partnership and improvement within.
Help grow more female inclusion in credit.
Hope you like it.