Forest of Daleks after Shishkin
This time I have done another Ancient Kaiju Piece, this work is based on an Ivan Shishkin painting from 1891 called "Rain in an Oak Forest".
Since everyone is doing the Tardis, I decided to go another way with this piece - which does not mean I will never do the Tardis, but I just wanted to put out a statement along with this...
On my related Patreon post, I've got more information about composition and what I learned from Shishkin's work. The piece was posted 21 days earlier for patrons btw. ;)
If you want to get a better grasp about composition in general, I recommend that you get my ebook about that matter: book 1 is free, the second one gets into the nitty-gritty evil details ;)
In the original painting from around 1891 I found some circular enclosures - a lot to say the least.
These enclosures ensure that you - the viewer - stay in the painting.
If you go the route you will also find an infinity symbol ∞ which adds to the Dr. Who theme.
The gamut of direction is visible in the trees, the comparison shows how I added to the same gamut directions of the original painting.