Ta Ksaderfia | Branding and Identity
"Ta Ksaderfia" in the Greek language means "the cousins". Ta ksaderfia is a new kind of rotisserie in Cyprus that was born from a Chef and his cousin. It aims to change the experience of having a meal from a rotisserie. They deliver to their clients a new menu, not the classic as Cypriots used to have from rotisseries. They provide a small space to enjoy a delicious dish or have the opportunity of the takeaway option.
Healthy food, meat dishes, vegan-friendly, crepes as a dessert, they all drive into a new taste experience.
They wanted to build their company upon a philosophy of colors. Which color is cozier? Which one is looking fresh (ingredients)? Which one is making people come, take food, and come back again? Which one helps the appetite to grow? We have done a large research and we came to the following outcome:
Wood - cozy
Red - eye-catching, triggers appetite, in natural foods means sweet
Green - calming color, health, organic, wellness
Yellow - happiness