MSN Messenger - Rebrand Project - Logo Design.

MSN Messenger - Rebrand Project.

In a world where instant messaging has taken over, we all spend our days glued to apps such as, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger & SnapChat. We seem to have forgotten who started it all, Msn Messenger.

Before the product was renamed Windows Live Messenger, it was named "Msn Messenger" from 1999 to 2006. During that time, Microsoft released seven major versions as follows. The first version of MSN Messenger Service, was released July 22, 1999.

Msn Messenger is very much the grandparent of all these modern day messaging applications, along with it's history and the huge amount of nostalgia it brings to millions of young adults across the world, I have taken it apon myself to give this brand a full redesign.

In 2013, Windows Live Messenger was sadly discontinued and Microsoft began ceasing service to existing clients.


Starting with a fresh and modern take on the logo. I have attempted to take certain aspects from the original logo design from 1999 and then simplifying it to fit a modern design trend.

I also took a slightly different angle what the logo represents, aswell as paying homage to the original 'round heads' design, I have tried to put across the fact that this application connects people on a global scale, hence why the logo hints at the moon appearing from behind the earth.

The orignal Msn logo used an image of a multi-coloured butterfly which has been redesigned by microsoft multiple times since it all began. I felt by intrigating this imagery into the new 'Messenger' logo it would connect the newly designed application to the latest rebrand of the company.


I hope you like what I have come up with.

I would love for you to comment your feedback, whether good or negative, I am eager to evolve as a designer and your feedback will help with that process.

Thank you, - MHD

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