Podio for iPad, now.

So, after many many many months of hard work I can proudly announce that we've (finally) released Podio for iPad.

It's a been a long but exciting journey trying to distill Podio's complexities for iPad, and I can honestly say I've learned something new with every twist and turn. This first version of the app is very much a companion to the web version, but over time it will evolve into an app that can stand on it's own.

Now my little baby is taking its first step out there in the world for everyone to see, which is equally terrifying as it is exciting. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this guy.

A massive round of applause has to be given for Podio's iOS developer, Sebastian, who had to listen to my crazy ideas and random hand movements used to describe animations, yet still manage to construct a blisteringly fast iPad app.

Head over to the App Store on your iPad to grab it.


Re: Where I stand on tilty iPad shots on Dribbble.

I don't give a crap. The main reason *I* use them is because when you experience a design on a device you don't see that design in pixels, you see it as part of the world. The device's "being" is part of the design, and therefore it makes sense (to me) to show this context in the shot rather than a random patch of pixels which is never the way you'd experience the product unless you're some kind of robot. Some people like it, some people don't. I honestly take it on a case by case basis. Don't be a hater just because the effect is used a lot. Peace.

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