Wine Label Illustration | Bodegas Callia
A few months ago I participated in the @bodegascallia contest Without labels to return to you. This was one of the 3 proposals I sent, along with the text, based on the concept of the piece. My illustration was based on the simple gesture of closing the eyes, to find oneself again. . . An effective way to return to oneself is to look inside. Find that deep place, which exists within each person. A place to land, where to stop. That is why I believe in the effectiveness of the simple gesture of closing my eyes, to look honestly. To meet again. As many times as necessary. And it's something so simple that sometimes it escapes us. But there are times when we realize its power. We close our eyes when we hug someone we love, when we daydream or enjoy a good wine. We close our eyes smiling at the fresh air, or when we arrive for a long day and just want to rest. To come back to you, is to meet you again, with that part that was always there, Waiting for you to see her with your eyes closed. .