Tarantino Universe Red Apple Cigarettes
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Have you watched Once Upon A Time in Hollywood? If you have i believe you need no explanation to what is illustrated above.
And if you haven't, here's what it is:
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is another movie directed by Quentin Tarantino. Red Apple is a fictional cigarette brand in the Tarantino Universe. It is featured in most of his movies and in the end credits of Once Upon A Time in Hollywood there's a whole commercial for the brand where Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) recites the slogan: "Better drag, more flavour, less throat burn".
The cigarette pack design is a real attention grabber, I love it. It's so ridiculously nihilistic and funny that it inspired me to make this frame-by-frame animated illustration. What do you think of it? Share your thoughts! ππ
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