Report Pollution - App

Hey Dribbblers 👋🏻

Pure Earth’s mission is simple - “Reduce pollution. Save lives. Protect the planet.”

This mission had struck a chord with us at Netguru and we’ve offered to support Pure Earth in their endeavours. We’re building an app together, one that will raise awareness about different kinds of pollution and how it affects various communities. The app will make documenting the effects of pollution really easy. This, we hope, will help voices from underrepresented communities get heard and inspire many people to take action.

We’ve strived to make the UX/UI accessible and hope to make the app available for people all over the world soon. Together with Katarzyna Dziaduś we’ve designed the UX and UI, including bespoke illustrations.

Soon it will be possible to document pollution in your area via our app, but don’t forget that every day is a good day to take action to make a difference. You can do it for example by donating to Pure Earth!

Thanks guys and stay tuned!


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