I found a NES sound emulation library and got it running on the iPhone. I'm thinking of using the nsfs I've been generating from MML and this library to play loops in-game.
I still need to benchmark its performance on an actual device but this approach would offer two huge benefits. One, nsfs are less than 1% the size of mp3s. Two, rather than worrying about loading and syncing two mp3s when changing resolution I can just toggle the responsible voices on and off. (Using Apple's AVAudioPlayer you can only control playback to the second, which produces noticeable tempo irregularities when trying to sync and swap tracks with high bpms.)
And another day, another track. This one's called Under. The bass began as homage to the underground theme from Mario, then picked up a little swing and some simple rhythmic doubling before the addition of an 8-bit bari sax and other familiar NES sounds (which in the end make it sound a more like a Sonic tune).