Profile UI showcase - Music Social App Concept

Daily UI 006

The goal of today is to design a profile page.

I thought it would be rather pointless to design just the profile page without creating some background context. Because of this, I have decided to create a concept app for finding music buddies (people who are listening to the same song you are right now).

This is a ultra simple and clean looking music app that aims to help you find others that are listening to the songs you are listening to right now. Through the profile page, you can easily find out whether you and the other person like any songs in common and what are his/her favorite songs.

The design presented here is to showcase how someone could access the profile page of someone else. I can put up more pages linking to this design in the future once I have more time.

Hope you guys like the design cheers.

Dennis Liu
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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