Meet The Bonbons!

These are the Bonbons. They're all little forms of baby Pangwiches (right). Just like their Pangwich counterparts, they're also made of varying flavors of ice cream.

Top to bottom/left to right:
Taro Bonbon, Peanut Butter "P.B." Bonbon, Strawberry Bonbon, Raspberry Bonbon, Choco Bonbon, and Matcha Bonbon.

*The Bonbons were recently renamed and are now considered their own characters separate from the Pangwiches

There are currently six Bonbons and six Pangwich characters that are part of the whole Pangwich family. See the Pangwich characters in prior here.

There are plenty more to come that have yet to be announced or relased!. See more by following my @Designeroos profile on Instagram below.

Webtoons & Social Links:
The Pangwich Pals Comic | Instagram

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