DailyUI 9 - Digital Jukebox
9/100 - Music Player
I was thinking more about these daily UI challenges and I wasn't quite satisfied with just making UI's everyday for the sake of making an interface.
Instead of making a traditional music streaming app interface, I wanted to think more about the requirements of a digital jukebox available at a bar. What sort of features and information would be needed? What could be improved about existing jukeboxes available at bars/clubs/venues? Although this is not a full UX study, it challenged myself to think about the context of the player and form some hypotheses about what could be removed/added on these interfaces. For example, a play button probably isn't needed on these interfaces since songs are queued up based on order.
One hypothesis is the "Queue" tab. Do users feel the need to know what's up next or how soon the song they enqueued will play? Will this impact their decision on whether they choose to put some money in to play their favorite song? It would be interesting to see quantitative data (# of songs purchased) through some A/B testing in addition to some qualitative feedback.