Lurte V | folk metal CD wallpaper
Lurte is a band which inspires its music on traditional Aragonese Celtic Instruments and melodies, gathered from the diversity of cultural expressions of Aragón. The result is the trending miscegenation called Folk-metal. No electric guitars are used but it doesn’t really matter – their attitude is more than enough.
Performance and display are inspired on the figure of the Almogavar Warriors, mercenaries under the orders of the King of AragĂłn who fought many heroic battles between the 12th and 14th centuries and who kept alive the Celtiberian traditions, uniting the strength of the warrior and the love to mother earth.
The band, already follower of our professional career, got in touch with us to renew their image for their single “Fierros d'a Barralla” (2016) and with the occasion of its X Anniversary, the release of its future album "V"...
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