Daily UI 010 - Social share button

Why I chose this topic I'm almost done reading "Becoming" by Michelle Obama, and it spoke to me in a way I didn't expect it to. Honestly, I hadn't known much about her except the very broad strokes. I knew she was from Chicago, went to Harvard law, met Barack Obama while practicing law, and advocated for healthy eating and fitness while First Lady.

I expected to learn more about the details of her life and work, but I didn't expect such a candid account of her experience as a lawyer: she didn't like it, but had always striven so hard to achieve that she had trouble figuring out what she really wanted to do. She went on to work for the government, non-profits, and hospitals before Barack Obama became president.

I found this particularly interesting: she says she needed to root herself quickly and figure out what she wanted to do, because she could sense that her husband had such a strong compass himself and she would otherwise start to lose her way. I think that comparing yourself to others with strong convictions is a difficult task but can be extremely illuminating.

Truly a very interesting memoir, one that's nudging me think about my own life in different ways.

Design process This was a quick one — a pretend online bookstore with a clean, flat look. The daily UI challenge was to design a social share button, but as you can see, it's just a button. It's not even the first or second-most prominent button. Personally, I prefer to simply share page URLs anyway, so that's a bias there. But hey, so are all of these daily UI challenges.

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