Emergency Services App

Imagine an Uber service for emergency on-demand. In any emergency situation, it's absolutely critical to get help as soon as possible. Current systems limit our ability to get help in time. This is mainly because a person in need of assistance has to go through a number of steps before successfully signaling for help. A long imperfect flow is the barrier, first, a person in trouble has to dial a number. They then have to speak to a person on the other end and explain the situation and their location, this does not solve multiple problems like language, knowledge of location, and other limitations. Then they have to wait in anticipation for the help to arrive (not knowing how long they'll take).

This is my initial attempt to solve for this problem, an app design which enables users to get help to their location without even speaking to any person or having to explain their situation and location. I believe corporations like uber, and other similar platforms should take steps to provide such services to improve the scope of emergency services.

More by Savio Araujo

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