Activity feed

Designed and added activity feeds today. A pretty simple implementation. The "Share" button you see is to publish a Facebook update and it's designed to be 100% opt-in. Unless some decision gets made outside of my control at some point we're not going to have any auto-notifications.

I don't think we need them and think their value as far as virality goes is negligible unless you've got a Zynga-ish user base.

Also, just for fun... what you see here is an unlocked Lore entry at the top. The system is build so there are multiple ways to reward a player with lore, very flexible (assuming I remember how they're implemented when creating content, haha.) The level up bit is probably self-explainitory and at the bottom you see what we're calling an "Epic victory" for when you overcome on impressive adversary.

More by D. Keith Robinson

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