Hobbiez - Logo Grid

When do you transition from a Beginner Logo Designer to an Intermediate / Advanced Logo Designer? There are many factors, and one of the most important in my opinion is being able to align correctly the elements of a logo, not only geometrically, but most importantly - optically 👀⁣

Let me explain, geometrical alignment can be done by anyone with a basic understanding of the software, but visual alignment done right requires years of practice and looking at logos with the eyes of someone who wants to learn with them. I look at hundreds of logos every week and i learn something with almost every one of them - even if it's just learning what not to do 📐⁣

I hope this tip helps you in your career as a Logo Designer, i decided to share it today to explain why the small circle of the grid is not aligned to the center of the bigger one 📏


📨 Got a project? Let's work together! Email: wisecrafted@gmail.com


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