FSCG / logo for the First Montenegrin Futsal League

Hi folks,
I present to you the visual identity of the First Montenegrin Futsal League that was made for Football association of Montenegro 🇲🇪
Small court, fast dribbbling, stability, weight of the ball are just some of the symbols that go with the thought of the futsal.
The player is more stubbied and differs from the player of the soccer. He is on a small court and therefore he needs a quick and good dribbling to keep the ball with him.
The ball is heavier than the standard one, because in a small, tight space there is no need for high traveling impacts and allows better control of the player who dribbble with it.

So, the logo is designed to have a small terrain, a heavy ball (a red circle at the top) and a complete sign that resembles a futsal player.

Your comments are welcome!

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