The Three Graces — Concept

Modern media has spoiled most of us in regards of appreciation of classic art — myself included.

I rarely visit museums, my good friend Victoria is an avid museums goer tho. Every time we meet she shows me her latest findings including the background story and meaning behind those pieces. Suddenly it clicked for me - I was just missing the kind of context which movies and games abundantly throw at me.

This concept called “Muse” aims to bridge this gap. Almost all of those classical artworks involve drama, love, violence and of course — sex. By giving statues as well as paintings the right dramatic lighting and a concise overview of the story it’s much easier to appreciate the craft, it’s history and meaning.

Live Demo by Paul Henschel:

Fonts used:
Headlines: Prospectus Pro L Semi
Body: Inter Regular

3D scans by: Hermitage Museum Moscow

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