Personal Site V2 - Desktop

I gave my personal site a makeover two(2) months ago in May. It's a slight follow-through to the V1 that I released in December 2018 late last year.

I'm happy with the direction I took for this redesign.

1. Switching my picture from being the hero image to the site logo meant I could display more relevant info above the fold.

2. Less color allowed me to draw the readers eyes to the relevant headings and content of the site.

3. I also loved the additional context to each case study, this gave a brief summary of the project so that readers could have a quick brief of what each project was about.

4. Although the layout didn't change much, the small details gave it a solid yet simple look and feel.

5. I fell out of love with Poppins and tried Inter UI 😍. Best decision so far and I absolutely love it.

I still plan for a MAJOR iteration before year end, until then pls give it a look @...

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