Overwatch Statistic Tracker App
My design for an official Overwatch app. I've tried to keep in line with Overwatch's official branding as and where I can.
My thoughts for this would be once logged in, the home page would be scrollable to view more heroes. Once on a selected hero page, you could view more stats by tapping "Next Page", and eventually get to trend graphs to track performance. In time I may add to this; for example the trend graphs, hints for each hero, lore for the game and so on.
Let me know your thoughts!
Show some 'L' if you love it. Open to any and all feedback, as I'm always looking to improve, so please leave comments too!
I really enjoyed designing this, as I love video games. Started with research of other apps and websites available for Overwatch statistics, wireframing, then the designs in Sketch.