iPhone 4S [CSS]

After making an iOS Mac Mini (Mid 2011) icon out of CSS, I felt I had to keep making more icons, so I got thinking, what icon hasn't been done before (to my knowledge), and I thought an iPhone 4S would be best, therefore, hitherto, concordantly, vis-Ă -vis, I jumped into the challenge.

Works amazingly well in the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, renders reasonably in Firefox.

Pick the code apart, slice it up—whatever! Do what you want with this :)

Just don't claim it as your own, but by all means learn from it!


→ Grab the code! ←


If you haven't already checked it out, take a look at my Labs section on my website. I'll be posting many more experiments to it, so keep an eye out!

→ To the lab! ←


More by Louis Bullock

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