ProsperOps - Behance Case Study

Hi there folks,

I decided to create a quick case study to showcase some of the work we produced on the ProsperOps project.

To give you more insight, ProsperOps combines machine learning with sophisticated financial optimization algorithms to give you fully autonomous RI portfolio management. Simply put, they do the RI work and you get the savings. Your business should prosper in the cloud—not only by saving you money but also by giving you time back to focus on the important things.

Hopefully, you get the conceptual idea of what they are creating. We were approached to guide the creation of ProsperOps’s visual identity. We incorporated a design exploration process to guide the PropserOps team into the digital age. Delivering a new brand, visual language, illustrations and website to help launch the product in the first quarter of 2019.

Sneak peek in the attachment.

Check the case study to see all of the great work that went into this:

@Filip Justić - Creative direction, design
@Rokas Sutkaitis and @Julius Seniūnas - Branding
Vicente Reyes Montealegre - Illustrations
@Don Gepulango - Development

Balkan Brothers
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