Creative Spray Paint
Very often people message me with the same intent to find out some magic information which will help to unlock graphic design doors ). Guys I would like to provide such data but I’m afraid it doesn’t exist. Of course, some tutorials can help to clarify and erase part of the questions you have. Sadly, but the only rough approximation of your own evaluation will never ever make you the real master of craft you want to conquer. Don’t get me wrong, I always opened to support everyone and give some advice or/and valuable feedback but cool stuff in your life will not be possible without your own long hours of hard work and persistent self-education. Sometimes I find myself thinking that only I have that magic access to the internet and the endless stream of knowledge is available only at my fingertips. Just kidding )). Proper self-awareness is key. You have to understand why you do what you do, what goals you have and how much energy and time you willing to spend to be where you want to be. Get out of your cave and start showing the world of what you are capable of. Let's begin to draw our future today.
Visit my Infographic Paradise store on Creative Market.
DOWNLOAD FREE GRAPHIC: Logo pack, 6 goods from Creative Market
TOOL USED: Adobe Illustrator.