Make More Space for Nature

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The illustration you can see above has double meaning:

First, it’s about making more space for nature.

We humans have already significantly altered three-quarters of all land and freshwater resources, devoting them to crops or livestock. Our expanding farms and cities are leaving less room for wildlife.
We are destroying nature at an unprecedented rate, threatening the survival of a million species – and our own future, too. But it’s not too late to save them and us if we act together and immediately.

Second, it’s about making time for rediscovering yourself through nature.

We tend to forget that we’re all a part of nature, and the more we distance from it, the worse we feel. The detachment from nature might cause stress and anxiety, making us feel lost, unhappy and out of balance.

The solution is spending more time in nature, contemplating its beauty and letting your true self out. Be free and wild!

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